October 14, 2024 – Published by Robinson Law Firm

Paying off a traffic ticket seems like a simple solution. Your friends may even tell you it’s the best thing to do. However, doing so could result in a conviction that may lead to the suspension of your license, an accumulation of motor vehicle points, and a costly increase in insurance premiums for a period of three years. Here are some common situations that seem straightforward but could be damaging in the long run.


Suspension of Your Driver’s License

A conviction for a traffic offense, even with a clean record, could result in the suspension of your license. Paying off a ticket is equivalent to a “conviction.” For example, a conviction for speeding in excess of 55 mph and more than 15 over the posted speed limit (e.g.: 71 in a 55; 61 in a 45) or a conviction for exceeding 80 mph result in an immediate 30-day suspension of your license. Multiple convictions within a 12-month period result in a sixty day suspension (e.g.: two convictions of 64 in a 55; or a careless and reckless and one speeding over 55).

In certain situations, a driver whose license has been suspended can receive a limited driving privilege for up to 12 months. To be eligible for this type of privilege, the driver must not have a conviction for any other moving traffic violation within the previous 12 months.


Accumulation of Motor Vehicle Points

An accumulation of 12 or more Motor Vehicle points over a period of 3 years can result in the suspension of your license as well. The DMV maintains a record of each driver’s history and assigns points based on the seriousness of the conviction. Points range from as little as 1 (Littering) to as many as 5 (Aggressive Driving). Point values for violations while operating a commercial motor vehicle carry more significant weight ranging from 1 point (littering) up to 8 points (passing stopped school bus). A suspension under the point system can result in a sixty day revocation for the first offense, a six month revocation for the second offense, and a one year revocation for any subsequent offense.

If a driver accumulates 7 points in a three year period (or 4 points immediately following reinstatement of their license), DMV may request the driver to attend a driving school regarding their driving record. Additionally, a driver who has accumulated 7 points in a three year period (or 4 points immediately following reinstatement of their license) may attend a driver improvement clinic operated by the DMV for a reduction of up to 3 points from their motor vehicle record.


Increase in Insurance Premium Payments

Insurance companies assign insurance points based on a conviction for a moving violation and accidents that have been deemed “at-fault accidents.” In 1957, the North Carolina Department of Insurance enacted the Safe Driver Initiative Plan (SDIP) to give NC drivers a financial incentive to drive safely. SDIP prescribes the percentage increase for insurance points insurance providers can legally assign for each moving violation. Insurance points are separate and apart from the motor vehicle points assigned by the DMV. The assignment of insurance points results in an increase in the motor vehicle insurance premium the driver pays for a period of three years. Point values range from 1 (40%) – 12 (340%).


Example: A driver convicted of speeding 71 in a 55 can expect 3 points on their motor vehicle record and 2 points to be added to their insurance policy (45% ⇧). Additionally, this conviction will result in the suspension of the motorist’s license for 30 days.


How can we help?

Hiring an attorney can help avoid the loss of your driving privileges and save you thousands of dollars in increased insurance premiums. The Robinson Law Firm has nearly 40 years of experience helping drivers avoid the loss of their license and the payment of costly insurance premiums. The consequences of a conviction could be the suspension of your driver’s license, assignment of unneeded motor vehicle points, or the assignment of insurance points that could cost you thousands of dollars.

If you received a traffic ticket, contact The Robinson Law Firm immediately to get the help you need and deserve to determine the best way to resolve your ticket to avoid adverse consequences.

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