Bottle of scotch next to a glass with scotch in it.

Breath and Blood Test

When a person is stopped for suspicion of driving while impaired (DWI), there are two primary methods used by law enforcement to establish whether the driver is impaired: the breath test and the blood test. A breath test, taken by an intoximeter, registers the amount of alcohol present in a person’s breath. Once it has done this, it gives a reading of the person’s blood alcohol content (BAC). A blood test involves taking a sample of blood, and sending that sample to the State Bureau of Investigation’s (SBI) lab. From there, a direct measurement of the person’s BAC can be obtained.

If you have been charged with DWI after being administered one or both of these tests, we strongly advise you contact a DWI attorney at the Robinson Law Firm, P.A. as soon as possible. We possess nearly 40 years experience in trying DWI cases of all types. Over time, we have devised a number of unique defense strategies which involve calling the validity of your test results into question. This approach may result in a favorable outcome for your case.


As with any test, breath and blood tests are subject to errors, misreadings, and inconsistencies. Intoximeters are known to malfunction and give false readings on a startlingly regular basis. Blood tests are also susceptible to mistakes, in the form of being administered and analyzed incorrectly, or the results being misinterpreted. If your alcohol test is faulty in any way, an experienced attorney at the Robinson Law Firm should be able to identify the errors and improve the chances of success in your case.

If you have been charged with DWI as a result of being given a breath or blood test, contact a DWI attorney right away.