Marijuana in a jar on a desk - Cultivation page


If you are charged with drug cultivation in North Carolina you can face severe penalties. You should quickly seek the guidance of an experienced defense lawyer.

Drug Cultivation can include the growing or producing of:

Marijuana plants
Psilocybin mushrooms
Unlawful controlled substances like LSD (acid) or
Methamphetamine (meth)

A person is likely to face charges if they are caught possessing elements used to produce illegal substances even if no drugs are found.

At the Robinson Law Firm, P.A. in Greenville, NC, our drug cultivation defense team is extremely experienced in cases of cultivation and a vast range of other drug crimes. We know how to effectively defend clients facing these types of drug charges and have a proven record of success. We have nearly 40 years of experience protecting the rights and property of those accused of drug crimes and will zealously apply our skills and determination to achieve the best possible outcome in your legal matter. Our goal is to help protect your freedom and public legal record.


The penalties that are imposed for drug cultivation crimes can vary, depending on what substance a person is producing and the amount. In North Carolina, law enforcement is allowed to seize assets of individuals believed to have bought property with drug proceeds and assets used for the production of illegal drugs.

Other consequences can include:

Community service
Felony or misdemeanor charges and conviction on your public legal record, accessible to anyone who conducts a background check.

If you or someone you know has recently been arrested or is under investigation for drug cultivation, it is vitally important that you obtain the services of a highly qualified attorney at once to understand your legal rights and how to protect them.