Man in handcuffs with face in hands - Criminal Defense - Expungement, Kidnapping, Corporate Fraud, Embezzlement

Corporate Fraud Crimes

Corporate fraud crimes refer to those offenses that are financial or business-related in nature. There is a broad array of these crimes, ranging in severity from misdemeanors to serious felonies that result in federal charges. Those charged with a federal offenses face trial in federal court, as well as the possibility of very serious penalties.


Some examples include:

Tax evasion
Money laundering
Fraud (Business fraud, insurance fraud, health care fraud, real estate fraud, and others)

The Robinson Law Firm, P.A. has nearly 40 years experience and is well versed in trying all types of criminal cases. Our knowledgeable legal team is immediately available to assist you in the event that you are facing such charges.

Depending upon the seriousness of the crime, a corporate fraud offense can be met with punishment that includes monetary fines, restitution to the victims of the crime, community service, probation, and time spent in jail or state/federal prison. Contact our office today, and we will thoroughly familiarize ourselves with your case in order to provide you with a personalized legal strategy that may secure an outcome in which you avoid incarceration or other heavy penalties.

Learn more about Corporate Fraud Crimes.

Protect your future by hiring an experienced attorney from the Robinson Law Firm.