Robinson First in State to Successfully Apply Castle Doctrine

November 18, 2019 – Published by Robinson Law Firm

Local Attorney First in State to Successfully Apply Castle Doctrine For Pre-Trial Dismissal of Criminal Charges

Greenville, NC Attorney Les Robinson, Castle Doctrine -- dismissal of criminal charges blog

Local attorney, Les Robinson of the Robinson Law Firm, was the first in the state of North Carolina to obtain pre-trial immunity from criminal prosecution and dismissal of criminal charges against his client using the “Castle Doctrine”.

The “Castle Doctrine” Statutes provides that the lawful occupant of a home, vehicle or workplace is presumed to have a reasonable fear of death or great bodily harm to himself or others and is entitled to use deadly defensive force if there is a forcible entry into the home, vehicle or workplace. There is NO duty to retreat in these situations.

“The laws governing self-defense in our state are complex and North Carolina is one of the few states to have adopted the “Castle Doctrine”. Our homes are our “castles” and we have and should retain the right to protect them from being attacked or invaded,” says Les Robinson.

The “Castle Doctrine” is often confused with “Stand Your Ground” laws. The “Castle Doctrine” describes your right of self-defense in a home, vehicle or workplace. “Stand Your Ground” laws describe your right to self-defense without any duty to retreat before use of defensive force.  “Stand Your Ground” laws apply to your right of self-defense even if you are not in a home, vehicle or workplace.

Following the landmark immunity ruling, the North Carolina Advocates for Justice requested Robinson to act as lead presenter for its Criminal Section’s Virtual Round Table Discussion on “Self-Defense and the Castle Doctrine”.  Robinson continues to educate other attorneys across the state on this topic and other successful trial strategies.
